I would like to take a moment to welcome Perth Cichlid Society premium sponsors Aquaplenish.
Aqavive Pty Ltd is an Australian company that has created the patent pending Aquaplenish Electronic Aquarium Water Change Device.
Our device allows domestic water to be quarantined, treated and safely transferred to the aquarium. The device sits on the rim of a container and recirculates and aerates the water. It also monitors the temperature of the water in the container as wells the water being added. It also provides a boost for the siphon gravel vacuum, allowing water to be transferred directly to the garden or down a drain.
We believe our device helps the hobbyist to expedite the water change process and more importantly do a quality water change which benefits the health of the aquarium habitants.
Please have a look at our website. www.aquaplenish.com
We are currently in discussions with interested parties in the US to launch our product there.
Check out their Facebook page here - https://www.facebook.com/aquaplenish/
A big thanks to Glen Penrose - Managing Director for organising this venture with me.