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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Fish Of The Month February

Lichnochromis acuticeps

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#1 Poncho


    Vice Presidente Castro

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Posted 28 January 2017 - 02:59 PM

For the month of February we will be doing two Fish of the Month profiles and auction lots given we have no club meeting in January. We have been very fortunate to procure two very rare and sought after species, kindly donated by humbug (Kathy). These will be auctioned off at the February auction and will be very hard to source elsewhere. So turn up and bid hard for these amazing fishes. As always 100% of the proceeds for FIsh of the Month lots are donated to the Stuart Grant fund.


Fish of the Month profile:


Lichnochromis acuticeps - Malawi Gar




Lichnochromis acuticepsi - commonly referred to as the Malawi Gar, Lichnochromis acuticeps is a specialised predatory cichlid from Lake Malawi that has an attractive appearance and distinctive shape.



Males typically reach around 20cm, whereas females reach closer to 16cm



Cichlidae. Subfamily: Pseudocrenilabrinae



Endemic to Lake Malawi and occurring throughout the lake, typically in the shallow intermediate zones



The Malawi Gar is a predator and in the wild feeds on small fish and soft invertebrates. In the aquarium it can be a little fussy but with a little effort, can be weaned onto most commercially prepared foods. In the authors experience, freeze dried blackworms seemed to be particularly relished.



One of the smaller Malawi predators but it is still recommended to keep the Malawi Gar in a 6 foot tank or larger, particularly if keeping with other predator species. A few rock structures for refuge and plenty of open swimming area is an appropriate setup for these fish.



Temperature: 25-29°C   pH: 7.5-8.8   Hardness: 10-25°H



The Malawi Gar is not a secretive fish and generally peaceful and rarely territorial. As juveniles they are susceptible to being stressed out by more boisterous fish. In the wild, the Malawi Gar covers large distances over sandy areas. It seeks out isolated rocky structures and due to its shape can wedge itself tightly into cracks and gaps between rocks where smaller fish take refuge to prey on them.



Dominant males develop a blue and yellow to red colouration that is quite attractive. Spawning occurs on the substrate near or between rocks. Spawns can number around 50-60.



The Malawi Gar Is a bit of an oddball in comparison with other large Malawi predatory cichlids. A little bit specialised and more delicate than most other haps, these fish offer a slightly greater challenge to Malawi fans. A great addition to any cichlid collection.






Photos are taken from Google.

Description comes from Ad Konings Back to Nature Guide Malawi Cichlids 2nd Edition, Ad Konings Malawi Cichlids in their natural habitat 4th Edition and some personal experience.

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