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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 16 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2014 07:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Vandal In The Fish Shed

06 March 2014 - 11:45 AM

I agree. Cats shouldn't be let to roam, specially all night! My friends neighborhood at dusk is like a feckin Cat rave, meeting and greeting in the middle of streets, on fences, in laneways, ahahaha cats EVERYWHERE!.

In Topic: What Size Will A Kadango Borleyi Male Colour Up

05 March 2014 - 06:35 PM

I reckon it's a male. Speckles on dorsal fin & pointed anal fin.

By the way, I lost patience & took my kadango into Aquotix. They agreed it was female - pointed out her more rounded fins. Swapped it for an awesome young male. Thanks Aquotix.

Thats awesome Lewy! Aquotix rock!


Yeah ours is def a male, his head turning blue and body def more coloured this week.... Past 2 days though I have noticed he is not eating (FFS! after waiting all this time to distinguish his sex!!) he is trying and very eager to eat but spitting the food out. Same mood swiming the whole tank, same food, no new fish or ornaments, water regime the same. Im lost, can fish just catch worms? We are hoping its just stress from  perhaps some aggression with pecking order and him colouring up (though I havent seen any, perhaps night time?) . Or dare I say it the dreaded bloat..... No physical signs as yet, but yeah a bit stumped and bummed after waiting all this time....... :( xx

In Topic: Live Food!!

21 February 2014 - 09:27 PM

I am curious... We have been breeding out guppies as feeders for our display... The display is 6x2x2 really harmonious mostly Africans, a couple silver sharks and couple Americans. We have diff size fish from 3cm to a almost full size green terror... Surprisingly the tank is harmonious. Anyway...... Would love to introduce some guppies as feeders but would you say it might increase aggression??? Thanks in advance. Xx

In Topic: What Size Will A Kadango Borleyi Male Colour Up

21 February 2014 - 09:10 PM

This is him a month on.... heaps more yellow in body. Would you say male or female?? xx

In Topic: What Size Will A Kadango Borleyi Male Colour Up

20 January 2014 - 07:13 PM

Oooo I just can't wait lol. He has yellow behind his cheeks slowly making its way to his body. Temple region slightest bit blue. I just don't know. Could be a lady for all o know lol