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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 21 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2016 04:54 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nano Tank Saltwater Cost?

20 September 2016 - 06:05 PM

yes thanks for the info tunagirl, jules !  :)

was just a curiosity when i saw a tiny little nano reef tank and wanted to get one with just 2 clown fish or something like that...

looks like as a rookie its a bad choice to go for! 

i havbe no idea of skimmer wavemakes or leds ... just saw a video on youtube as well and he just made it seem so simple " a lie"

In Topic: How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Aquarium?

24 July 2016 - 12:49 PM

I shall do that and let you guys know the out come !! 

cheers !

Is the water cloudy after feeding your fish NLS?

no idea mate i feed NLS ,hikari and oscar 50% protein stuff ... :wacko:

Oh and water changes... how much and how often?

i change only once a month ...1/3 

In Topic: How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Aquarium?

22 July 2016 - 09:05 PM

1. It's African cichlids with Oscar
2. I feed once a day
3. Tank is 3.5 x 2x 2 ft
4. Substrate is white grainy sand from pool filter
5.feeding hikari cichlids pellet medium and nls small pellets
6. No plants
7. Water ph all good fish are thriving
I had doubt on the new media noodles in filter could it be? If so what do I do?? (Like choky said..)

And is there any chemical drops I can put in to clean??

What's purigen?

Thanks for all the support :)