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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 02 Oct 2010
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#286266 Tbs

Posted by Buccal on 10 June 2013 - 07:45 PM

I didn't know you had a Archer fish Sam.
Aegis New Era is used for rays and TB's also,,, and the catfish type pellet is fine to.
The 1.5mm moist pellet can be rolled with fingers into any size pellet.
New Era does a 6mm pellet which is readily ideal.
1.8kg buckets cost give or take,,,, $130 - $140,,, these prices will vary a touch.
Feeding frequency of New Era food compared to other mentioned commonly used premium products,, is only half.
So effectively the value of this food coming in the bucket is equivalent to 3.6kg.
Being that half as much is fed means less water fouling and extended periods before filter cleans.
Reasoning for New Era packing more punch is that it fits into a class of being cold pressed at 52'c.
Normal hard pellet undergoes a intense heating as part of its process,,,,, this ruptures the cells in the food expelling valuable nutrients.
New Era is at the warm end of cold pressing which leaves the cells in tact.
It's a little similar to a dogs diet being that a dog receives better nutrition out of raw foods.
I won't go into to much detail unless needed.
Lovers and distributors of other fish foods will always debate this, but New Era is a chosen food by vets and scientists that control public aquaria and zoos.
A lot of info can be viewed if googled, it's a world wide preference.

#284017 Archer Fish

Posted by Buccal on 15 May 2013 - 07:29 PM

Your archers will power grow if you feed them the crickets and woodies(cockroaches) that you see for sale in the take away containers seen in pet stores.

#284013 Jack Dempsey Fry

Posted by Buccal on 15 May 2013 - 07:19 PM

If you want to be serious about it, and manage it in a organized fashion resulting in a high number of fry and making it easy rather than awkward,,,, Then siphon out free swimmers using 8mm tubing.
Leave about 15% of fry with parents so they can continue natural instinct and lessening chances of male turning on female after fry is taken.
Keep in a fry saver or small enclosure to keep them confined together and in constant proximity of food being fed.
Keep confined for at least 2-3 weeks.
Americans need a better start than tangs and malawi.
Make sure they remain in same water for a safer measure and keep their water surface broken with a aerator, but be sure it's not to turbulent so fry can't be still.
The first 3 weeks they will be a lot weaker than Malawi fry.
If your a busy guy, then powder made from pellets be fed twice a day minimum, but 4-5 times small feeds through out the day is optimum.
Have fun.

#283480 Best Way To Euthanasia A Fish?

Posted by Buccal on 09 May 2013 - 03:47 PM

The freezer would be a excruciating way to die.
Suffocation and freezing to death.
My method is best by far,,, wrap the fish in a shopping bag and pelt it as hard as you can at the ground.
It's instantly dispatched.

#240001 Power Outage

Posted by Buccal on 26 January 2012 - 02:40 PM

Just use a bit of seachem prime, that's all that's needed to play safe, don't forget when fish get shipped interstate or internationally they spend spend the same time or longer as your power outage and they are in tiny bags with hardly any water.
I've had power outages like you wouldn't believe out in Two Rocks in the past, one year it went out almost every fortnight, sometimes up to ten hours, then we had a big fire that come very close and power was out for a day and a half.
I did absolutely nothing and everything was fine, all 48,000 liters of it.
If you clean your filters today they should be strong for Monday and still airy enough for bacteria to rest in a unclogged media and survive.