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Protomelas Taeniolatus

Lake Malawi Lake Nysa Mbuna Hap Red Empress Jalo Reef Mbenji Island Cichlid Fish

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#1 Malawi Freak

Malawi Freak
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Posted 05 June 2013 - 05:35 PM

Protomelas Taeniolatus






Jalo Reef


Mbenji Island


Young Male Red Empress in full colour







In the wild:

In Lake Malawi are males usually no larger than 15 cm, but in the aquarium they can easily be 20 cm. In the lake the males keep a very small territory, but it only happens when they want to mate. Their territories is weak protected as they often let other cichlids came into the area. They also rarely keep territory for a rather long period of time. The cichlid is especially found at sites like Senga Point, Namalenje Island, Makanjila Point but there are many other places in the lake too. You see them usually by sedimentfri rocks around depth of 10 meters.


It lives by nature of animals and insect larvae it finds on the rocks deep below the algal layer. It also eat zooplankton. However, it must be said that in the aquarium it approves virtually all types of food. The only thing you should be careful with is overfeeding. They have reputation for very easy to become thick.


It looks a lot like Protomelas fenestratus but have larger eyes and a different set of teeth.


In the aquarium:
In the aquarium, be careful with more than one male, as they are very aggressive towards each other. In contrast, males rather gentle against females, but it's still a good idea with at least two females to males. You can hold it with virtually all Malawi cichlids. The work fine with peaceful free swimmers as well aggressive Mbuna.


It is important with plenty of free swimming space in the tank, as it is a very active swimmer. Most find Protomelas taeniolatus as a relatively aggressive cichlid, but it varies considerably. I have seen individuals who had taken over an aquarium full of Mbunaer, but have heard of others where they went very peacefully in the aquarium. It is important with some hiding places in the aquarium to females, so they can hide from the male. Overall it is a cichlid which rarely takes fights against other cichlids in the aquarium.


It is quite known in the hobby and is very easy to get hold of. Additionally, they are quite robust so they are suitable for both the experienced and new people with a aquarium.


A little history:

Protomelas taeniolatus is best known as the Red Empress. This name comes from the male's breeding colors which are red on the entire site. Red Empress is only one variant of Protomelas taeniolatus and there are many varieties. In addition to its name, there are a lot of nearby individuals who are very similar to this cichlid, and therefore has a very similar name. There is also a morphological variant of Makanjila Point.


Breeding Behaviour:
They are very easy to get to breed. Males with a modest territory. Territory is not well guarded, as males do not have the big opposed to other species intrude on it. Females are mouthbrooders and goes with the young in their mouth for up to 3 weeks.




Number of offspring



Cichlider, Malawi - Hap

Trade Name
Red Empress

Trewavas, 1935
The Red Empress males have a blue head and red, blue and yellow body. Females have a gray base color with a midterlig horizontal black stripe. But overall it's a cichlid with many looks depending on the variant.



Size Male

Size Female
Best Conditions 


Min. temp

Max. temp


Min. pH

Max. pH

Min. aquarium
530L (Can be hold in a 400L)

Best as Trio or with More Females then Males








Edited by Malawi Freak, 05 June 2013 - 05:38 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Lake Malawi, Lake Nysa, Mbuna, Hap, Red Empress, Jalo Reef, Mbenji Island, Cichlid, Fish

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