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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 07 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2013 11:48 PM
Want to buy WTB Red Humps. Pair or juvenile. Perth. Updated 07 Jul · 1 comments

About Me

Hey all, I currently have both fresh water and salt water aquariums. I used to have about 40 tanks and a lot of time haha, now days just the 3. One salt and two fresh. At the moment I breed Firemouths and have a decent colony of peppermint bristle nose, that I'm still waiting to breed. I need to use rain water to make them breed I believe.

I have experience in keeping just about everything Australia could offer from the allowed and the naughty not allowed. All purchased from stores mind you. So I have been lucky to have had some unusual experiences such as the Ornate and Tiger Birgir, The Lungfish, and YES even the Red Bellied Piranha. Unfortunately all of these were sold many many years ago and always were traded into stores. I apologize if you disagree for me having this experience, but there was no intention to do wrong. Kids do crazier things. No I can't remember who and any details as It was in my youth. I have of course had a lot of experience with all the stores in the Perth metropolitan area also so if u want some straight up advice on a store please just ask. If I had one wish come true, it would be the allowance for responsible aquarists to keep these kinds of fish mentioned earlier. I waited for years for the reptile licence and it finally came! Maybe there is already something in the pipeline like the level licence system for the private residential aquarist hobbyist?? As It would be great to offer a service for future breeding plans to supply educational department specimens bred here in WA. For example: The Blue Ringed octopus can not be owned but AQUA can display them for kids. Or a tank full of Piranha's, imagine feeding time!  I would great to have this experience as an adult or child to have seen some of the many different kinds of fish from across the world to be bred and displayed right here in Australia, I guess a kind of living aqua museum. Not in my life me thinks!


My saltwater tank is a Red Sea 130 and I usually change the tank completely every 6 to 8 months. I have owned 2 living reefs in this time and lots of different kinds of ornate shrimp and tank busters.




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