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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 23 Nov 2004
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#340695 *new Updates* Mangrove Jack Thread

Posted by silly on 21 June 2015 - 12:04 PM

Just read the whole thread, awesome read!

It brought back some memories of the jack i once had so i thought i'd share.


this was about 5-6 yrs ago but.. bought him at 8-10cm and placed him in a 5' with a toga for a companion. They got along fine for a few month when one morning i found the toga dried up on the floor... (not sure if the jack hassled him). Once the jack was solo i converted the tank into brackish water and then into full salt. He started to thrive once he was in full salt and he grew rapidly to about 35cm+. He was peaceful amongst his tank mates of a snowflake eel and a trigger fish and never looked twice at either of them. I used to feed him live mullet, goldies and whitebait. Had a tank crash due to feeding highly oily sardines when the shop ran out of whitebait and I ended up losing the lot of them. 


Sorta makes me feel like getting another one now!






and a video. not the best quality..
