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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


New Stock This Week!!!

Cory Jewel reef Mono Rainbow OScar Panchax apisto fire pleco

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#1 Pet Magic

Pet Magic
  • Sponsor
  • Joined: 17-February 09

Posted 24 October 2016 - 03:32 PM

Native/ Brackish
Blue Forktail Rainbow - 2 for $80

4cm Mono Sebae - $35

African Cichlids
Neon Forest Jewels - $10.95
Red Forest Jewel - $9.95
5cm-7cm Taiwaan Reef - $15.95
American Cichlids
2cm fire gold Apisto pair (unsexed) - $80
2cm Apisto Cacatuoides - $12each pair for $20
4cm Oscar  - $19.95

5 x 3cm Marbled Headstander - $14.95

4cm Gold Panchax - $12.95


Catfish/Loaches/ Sharks

6 x 8cm Chocolate Pleco - $35

4-5cm Bristlenose - $ 14.95 each

20 x Sterbai Cory - $12.95 each

15x Panda Cory - $12.95 each



Remember we do special orders aswell for both equipment and fish so let us know if you have anything your searching for.

Call or message us before coming in to ensure we still have what you want and also share this post on facebook or twitter and let everyone know what we have got and dont forget to follow the ongoing updated stocklist.
9458 1970 or email cannignton@petmagic.com.au

Happy fish keeping ☺☺ 


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Cory, Jewel, reef, Mono, Rainbow, OScar, Panchax, apisto, fire, pleco

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