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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 03 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2023 10:52 PM

#349454 What Spawned In Your Tank Today???

Posted by LexAgate on 03 February 2016 - 09:49 PM

you must have them up to your eyeballs lex the way they breed ;)

Just about... Just another spawn, mum didn't feed them because they were spawning!

Plenty of fry if anyone wants some

I'm downing in babies

#349230 What Spawned In Your Tank Today???

Posted by LexAgate on 30 January 2016 - 01:26 PM

Ngara at it again! Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1454131568.130778.jpg   298.22KB   15 downloads

#348117 What Is Wrong..?

Posted by LexAgate on 26 December 2015 - 06:26 PM

Seeing as I'm spamming this page I mays well stop posting all the bull that you guys are hating, stop posting all together and unsubscribe to this and relieve you all of my presence.... Why does this all go wrong? I'm done putting in so much and getting nothing, bye guys thanks for all the help, tips and kind words you did make everything a lot easier but apart entry not enough ... Bye...

#347914 Who Relates To This?

Posted by LexAgate on 17 December 2015 - 12:00 AM

Normal is too mainstream!

#347569 Whos Looking For A New Car Atm?

Posted by LexAgate on 04 December 2015 - 11:28 PM

I'm preparing early and thinking about marriage. I was talking to my dad about it Me: Dad I need tips about later in life Dad: like what? Me: like marriage tips Dad: ah yes, if you are going to get married one day say sorry! Me: for what? Dad: say sorry Me: what did I do wrong? Dad: just say sorry. Me: I still don't understand Dad: say it! Me: I won't without reason! Dad: you must say it! Me: but what mistake have I made? Dad: say sorry now then you will be able to marry one day! Me: sorry Dad: you have learnt to say sorry even when you have done nothing bad and there is no valid reason, it seems you are able to be in a relationship with a person of the female gender, congratulations! Any other tips haha!

#347240 4 Foot Community Tank!

Posted by LexAgate on 26 November 2015 - 09:02 PM

This tank has been designed by you guys on the PCS with all your help tips tricks and basic input, you made my goal achievable!
Special thanks to StormFyre, Mattia and Humbug.
Also Morley Aquarium, Aquotix and Aquarium Gallery Australia!

There have been plenty of bumps along the way, there always is!

Most of you know me the little annoying kid posting too many questions, yeah that's me! I like asking questions if you haven't already guessed!

So here I'm talking about my 4 foot Cyprichromis tank I have just recently set up and here it is!

Just earlier this year I saw some Cyprichromis videos online and though they were awesome! Well they are!

I set out on a mission to set up a 4x18x20 tank and tempt my dad to buy it, tbh when we finally got it the cabinet was in a horrible condition (falling apart) the tank pretty disgusting as well, but it could still keep fish so I was happy!

We got a brand new cabinet built, got glass lids and a black kid on top of that, it was looking neat!

Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1448542355.352245.jpg   287.16KB   24 downloads

Next up some filters after spamming the forum with questions I ended up with 2 astro canisters with an overall flow rate of 2660 L/Ph.

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Then we needed to make the tank look as good as possible of course. 30kg of play sand and 40kg of Rock and $200+ dollars later it was looking the same as things from my dreams.

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Then the fish I wanted some cyps of course and breeding was the goal, humbug kindly sent some over here to Morley for a trade of some sort, I got some Cyprichromis Leptosoma Livua 'Jumbo' they were beautiful! Paul also received some Neon Streak Boops from a German breed, so why not I got some of those as well, a bit more dull compared to the cyps but they were juvies.

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This is where I am now 2 weeks into tank and chill everything sorted, fish are happy tank looks great, only problem is the tank can't be filled past the top because the lid silicone is very dodgy, but hey the fish are there, they will hopefully breed and some of you guys can probably have them!

Thanks for all the help I really couldn't have done this without every one of you! Think of it as a community built tank!

#347158 Importing Aulonocara

Posted by LexAgate on 25 November 2015 - 12:09 PM

By the way what happened to your Aulonocara Ngara, sick of them already.

I still have them also have some fry I will sell on the weekend hopefully, kinda sick of them, but it was more I was looking at how it all works and seeing as I have raised about 40+ fry someone else will breed them, like silverscreen.


I'm pretty sure no one is breeding hueseri, but I'll let everyone know how it goes!

#347089 Importing Aulonocara

Posted by LexAgate on 23 November 2015 - 06:31 PM

Seeing as most of the importable malawi's are Aulonocara I made a list of 4 types that look like nice fish but I haven't really seen of in the 4 years I have been keeping my cichlids! So I was going to import a colony of these guys and breed them for you guys so we can spread them around the hobby. Aulonocara Usisya Flavescent Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1448274541.839379.jpg   914.41KB   19 downloads Aulonocara Hueseri Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1448274583.457371.jpg   866.03KB   19 downloads Aulonocara Saulosi Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1448274662.080464.jpg   101.89KB   18 downloads Aulonocara Kandeense Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1448274693.794311.jpg   89.85KB   18 downloads So just comment the name of the peacock and how rare you think these guys are in Perth on a scale of 1-5, 1 being common 5 being rare! Almost like a voting system I'll post the results much later, Cheers.

#346649 Pool Filter Sand?

Posted by LexAgate on 08 November 2015 - 05:59 PM

Just got some, washed it and put it in the tank... Also spent $200 on some rocks... Aquarium gallery were the only ones who had it! Looks pretty close to the picture I based it off 131bb9d64a34a43e6c1ca55631da5091.jpg

#346586 200L Tank Suggestions

Posted by LexAgate on 06 November 2015 - 09:26 PM

Well I can go for colour with tangs for example I'm getting some Cyprichromis Leptosoma Livua, and I also recommended my friend to get some leluipi with those. They are both playful and colourful! Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1446816367.387862.jpg   120.9KB   7 downloads livua above Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1446816399.217561.jpg   31.61KB   6 downloads leleupi above

#346426 200L Tank Suggestions

Posted by LexAgate on 02 November 2015 - 10:12 PM

Hey all here bothering you all again haha!

So my friend's family are getting a fish tank and Right now it's looking to be 200 Litres or more depending on what they find!

They wanted to stock the tank with South American cichlids and there definitely near what I know!

I was thinking some of these!

4+ Geophagus and 8+ Large tetras (Lemon/Congo ect)

6+ Angel fish 2+ bristlenose/whiptails

Maybe 6+ Apistogramma 2 male and plenty of females (heavily planted, not really an option)

These people are beginners and most likely can't handle some tough stuff!

All effort and opinions are greatly appreciated in advance thanks!

#346200 The Bakehouse Fishroom

Posted by LexAgate on 27 October 2015 - 09:41 PM

Slow and steady Kathy, looks great actually no it doesn't...

It looks awesome!!! Well done great job

#346101 Ctenochromis Horei

Posted by LexAgate on 24 October 2015 - 08:55 PM

I will do my best

you better!!! Haha

#345908 My First Cichlid Babies, What Now?

Posted by LexAgate on 19 October 2015 - 06:48 PM

Congrats you're fish have bred, prepare for a job of work, fun and addiction. Firstly take the mother out and take the fry out of the mums mouth! Then raise them on NLS like me! This should help

#345406 Very Happy With My Order :). Thanks Ttd

Posted by LexAgate on 08 October 2015 - 01:51 PM

Looks like I'm going to buy a lot, with all those free lollies no one can stop me!

One who throws dirt is loosing ground ~Confucius