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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 15 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active May 18 2024 09:56 PM

Topics I've Started

Wtb: Leptosoma Black Bee

06 July 2015 - 12:16 PM

Hi Everyone,


Any one breeding the following Leptosoma.


I purchased 7 from Aquatix a couple of weeks ago but was after a few more.

I was told these are not that common, so if anyone is breeding these and has some please let me know.


Name: leptosoma black bee
Size: 5+cm
Number: 5
Sex: Females but can be mixed


Please PM me.

Trophues Duboisi Prices?????

01 July 2015 - 11:12 AM

Having been out of the hobby for approximately 3 years and only now starting to slowly get back into it I've noticed some changes in the Perth Aquarium Scene.
3 years ago I sold/traded in Electric Yellow and Blue Dolphins for around $4each, the shops would sell these for around $8 to $10, sometimes a little more.
Driving around the local Perth Aquarium shops I noticed that two retails have started selling Deboisi between $12 to $15.
What is going on? These fish used to be between $20 to $30each, they were something special to have. But now are almost the same price as a Electric Yellows. :-)
Has the marked in Perth been flooded with Duboisi lately?
Are people no longer interested in Aquariums?
Is it the current economic climate that has forced price of these fish down so much. (not sure about other trophues types.)
This isnt' a dig at the places that are selling these fish so cheaply, I'm just curious.
At the end of the day retails can only charge a price that people are willing to pay.

Wtb: Xenotilapia

27 June 2015 - 05:18 PM

Name: Xenotilapia
Size: 5+cm
Number: 4 to 6
Sex: Mix

Found: Wtb: Shell Dwellers

20 June 2015 - 08:14 PM

Wanted to buy shell dwellers, depending on wants around one of the species below:


Name: Neolamprologus Similis or Lamprologus ocellatus


Number: 8 to 12

Size: 2cm +

Sex: Good Ratio if possible



Sold: Synodontis Multipunctatus Colony

15 June 2015 - 08:12 AM

For Sale $300 the lot.
Breeding Colony of Synodontis multipunctatus with Blue Dolphin hosts.
Have bred a number of times with one 6cm baby swimming with adults
Selling as is, no splitting including Electric Yellows.
In Piara Waters
8 x Synodontis multipunctatus Cuckoo Catfish Baby 6cm, Adults 12 to 14cm(Sex:Unknown)
3 x Blue Dolphins 15 to 20cm(Sex:1M, 2F)
4 x Electric Yellows 6 to 7cm(Sex:Unknown)