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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 27 Sep 2008
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#142667 Probably Wrong Topic But Plecos?

Posted by rwillox on 05 September 2009 - 02:14 PM

1) Most L numbers are not cheap but cheaper ones such as L104, L168 are often available at Midland, Vebas or Aquotix for Around $50-80. Want something nicer then Midland is likely your best bet. Az has both L202 and L397 in stock at current and often gets in others.

2) What you class as nice may differ to what others class as nice as there is over 400 L numbers and then more that do not have an L number.

3) Depends some are easier than others, but I would not suggest buying as you think they will be easy to breed. However most spawn in much the same way to bn but is not as easy.

4) I would not suggest keeping any L number with cichlids especially if looking to breed.

5) There is loads.

6) I would say unlikely but everything is possible.
