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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 24 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2022 06:17 PM

Topics I've Started

Catfish Id Please , Maybe Syno... Something ?

30 September 2013 - 04:49 PM

as title suggest i wanted to know what these were purchased with a tank



Wtb: Eheim Jager Heaters

11 September 2013 - 11:01 PM

Hiya, looking for some heaters , most importantly 150w for my tank size, i need two of those and smaller heaters for the fry tanks, and if it comes to it, ill replace my other 300watt heater with an eheim :) let me know what u got.. don't mind running around...


Equipment etc
Brand (if applicable):  eheim jager baby
Age: newish
Price or ballpark figure: (mandatory) good price
Description, incl condition of the item:   has to be in working order...

Wtb: Geos

29 August 2013 - 01:39 AM

Howdy, =]


I'm looking for

'Geophagus' steindachneri (Red Humps)




Acarichthys heckelii




let me know what you have,



Wtb: Various Cichlids & Tropheus Ikola Females Pretty Plz.

25 August 2013 - 11:44 PM


im looking for the following;

tropheus ikola females(lots of aggression, chasing, breeding, in my colony even with so many females.. i need more)

ventustus females (also need a dominant male as my male has 1 bunged eye from fighting)

red empress - nice dominant male and females

PL. fire blue females

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi *firebird* females

c. moori females
electric yellow females
Dragon Blood females


let me know if you have any of the following at breeding age/size (especially the tropheus)


Bubbles/air Gaps In Silicon...

13 August 2013 - 01:33 PM

howdy,, just noticed on my display tank, has some bubble or air gaps in the silicon sealing but all seals seem intact still,, not only did i have a sleepless night lol its an inside tank on wooden floors,, u can imagine the consequences,, so yeah,, where do i go from here? i was thinking metal elbow supporters for all 4 corners(i dunno the name),, else a bit more silicon on the outside of the tank ofcourse... whats my best bet, dont really wanna empty it, but apply some more reassurance for peace of mind


Pics from same panel upper and lower
