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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 22 Nov 2014
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Topics I've Started

Oxygen In My Tank

28 July 2015 - 08:39 PM

Hey guys so this may be a dumb question but I currently have two Nautilus 2700 running on my 8x2x2 with a 1200 power head with a big sponge on the bottom (set up to help clean up my plecos poo) now I don't have spray bars attached only the normal nozzles on the end. I have the out hoses on both ends of the tank and I have my water level slightly below the nozzle so the water hits the surface to create oxygen, now my partner being a non fishy person hates the noise :unsure: so my question is how can I get oxygen into my tank without using an air rater or bubble bar as I don't like bubbles, I like the still look and as soon as I submerged the canister outlets my fish tend to gasp a bit.
Any help would be great even if it's just saying that there prob isn't a solution just so I can tell my partner to get over it hahaha thanks :)

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

21 July 2015 - 06:06 PM

Hey guys I'm after a EBJD prefer a juvie that I can grow out. I know there is some for sale on Gumtree but they haven't replied so incase they sell out before I get a chance as that's been the case before I was wondering if there are any others available. Thanks heaps :)

Urgent !!!

18 July 2015 - 08:18 AM

Hey guys so I'm trying to sell off some cichlids one being a hornet cichlid, now I've just had a guy say he will pay up to $200 for him and that they are extremely hard to come across, how true is this

Texan X Jaguar Babies

14 July 2015 - 03:51 PM

Hey guys, one of my tanks has one Texan and two jaguar cichlids in it and I only just noticed my Texan was very oddly coloured. He's normally a very bright lovely blue and he's quite dark atm, he's angry colours so I had a closer look and he was actually trying to attack me through the glass which isn't normal at all for him as he is very placid. I've known for a while that him and one particular jag seemed to have a thing for each other and yep I guess I was right, he's now a proud daddy of a lot of eggs. Now my problem what should I do, wait and see what happens or remove them. The female jag was supposed to pair up with the male jag not my Texan and I'm not sure on mix breeding. They seem happy apart from the other jag whom is always hiding in his cave

Help Please

23 June 2015 - 02:33 PM

Hey guys so about a month ago my pearl horseface had hole in the head, I was told to treat with metronidazole so i did for 3 treatments with a 30% water change before every treatment. After the treatment was over a few fish came down with white spot, so I treated that until every spot was gone. I then had my featherfin catfish come up with white blotches on him, I separated and treated and after a week was healed, then I had an eel tail catfish come down with the same thing, separated him as well and is still under treatment. Now I have my other eel tail getting white blotches on him as well and I've noticed my Gold sevrum has a hole in his head and the pearls original hole is now bigger wtf, I'm getting so frustrated and upset I really don't no what to do now