Type of fish: 2x Discus, Cardinal Tetra
Symptoms: I am having the same issue as usual and today to top it off I noticed a white worm on the side of body of a Cardinal Tetra and wonder if it is the same thing?
Basically one of my Discus has stopped eating and is wasting away, pretty sure he's too far gone I will probably have to euthanase him, I also have another that I have been monitoring that appears to be skinny in the forehead but that still seems quite lively, he's been on/off again struggling to grow, eat and his colouring changes regularly.
To be honest this has been my one issue with my tank, a Discus stops eating and dies. It happens about once every 6 months. I have tried to treat with Para-gon but doesn't seem to work, it certainly has worked at killing BNs and some L144s I had so after that to stop using it.
What I would like to know is what I have, a definitive answer, so I can clear it, make sure all the fish are healthy and then I can get more Discus. Photos to come (when they stop hiding).
Other tank mates: Neon Tetra, Rummy-Nose Tetras, Cory Doras, Bristlenose Catfish
Tank size / capacity: 280L
Type of Food fed: Frozen Discus Food, Bloodworms
Feeding frequency/amount: Daily, 3x Frozen block on Discus Food, 1x Block of Bloodworms
Substrate: Black Sand 1-3mm
Type of filtration: Cannister Ehiem 2217
Frequency of filter cleans: 3 Months
Frequency and % volume of water changes: Weekly 40-50%
Last water change: Yesterday 20/1/2014
PH: 6.4 to 6.6ph
Nitrite: 0.05ppm
Ammonia: 0 - 0.25ppm
Water temp: 30 Degrees
Medications used recently to date: 2 Months ago I have been using Para-gon but it seemed to not work and killed all my L144 (I think) so i stopped using it
Any recent changes..new fish/filters/power outages etc etc:3 Neons and a BN all looking a little neglected from my brothers MTW (shrimp) tank that he decommissioned. Probably got the worms from here?
Neon Tetra
Found a photo of the Discus I took late October (2013), this is the early symptoms and he will have to the euthanased now, they other sick Discus is just starting to look like this now.
Attached Files
Edited by MrLeifBeaver, 21 January 2014 - 11:03 PM.