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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 22 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2011 01:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Pond Evaporation

15 December 2010 - 09:10 AM

My pond has around 5-10% evaporation per week. As it is only 4 weeks old it has some Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates still. Does evaporation also evaporate any of these toxins or does evaporation only take "fresh" water leaving behind all the nasties??.

Marron And Redfin

22 November 2010 - 11:37 AM


First time post. I have just built an outside pond of about 4 metres x 2 metres by 1 metre deep. Pump, filter and fountain all going well. The pond has 75 x 50 mesh cover.

I want to put some Marron and Redfin perch in it. I know the rules about releasing redfin into local waters but they are just in a backyardpond a long way from any other water source. Marron should not be an issue unless they decide to walk. Marron eat redfin and redfin eat marron so as long as they are both reasoable size - say 300gram each then that should be ok.

Has anyone kept Redfin in a backyard pond?

Should I put a gravel base in the pond?. I have hollow logs, rock shelters etc. Any tips for feeding marron and redfin

