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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 30 May 2010
Offline Last Active May 04 2014 02:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Fs - Bamboo Shark And Rare Coral Beauty.

24 April 2012 - 10:24 AM

Please PM me

Name: Bamboo Shark
Size: 40cm
Number: 1
Sex: Female
Price or a ballpark figure: free
Shipping available? No. Pick up from my place
Photos: pic msg via mobile on request.

Name: Rare coral beauty (Angel)
Size: 8cm
Number: 1
Sex: unknown
Price: free
Photo: no

Must go to good home, please remember that bamboo sharks do grow to atleast a meter, and take a considerable amount of care.

Cheers, walks.

Fs- "marine" Bamboo Shark

13 November 2011 - 08:34 PM

Hi all, I have a gorgeous bamboo shark for sale, she's active, feeds well, has eaten out of my hand before. Great pet but she has nibbled on a few too many fish hehe you're going to need a marine tank and I recommend that it's a 6x2x2 foot minimum as she will grow in time.

Name: Bamboo Shark
Size: 40cm
Number: 1
Sex: Female
Price or a ballpark figure: $120 ono
Photo: can send photos via mobile if serious buyer requests :-)


Wtb- Marine Fish

18 August 2011 - 05:48 PM

Hi all, chasing the below fish. If you know of where I can get em, if any of the sponsors stock them or have sum for sale please PM me

Name:black spot red damsel
Yellow damsel
Black and gold damsel
Neon velvet damsel
4 striped damsel
Size: any
Number 2-4 of each
Sex: any

Cheers, walks.

Wtb- Hammer Coral

10 June 2011 - 06:32 PM

Hi all :-) I know this is a cichlid site, but some of keep both fresh and marine. Just chasing a decent sized/priced hammer coral of dome sort for my pair of ocellaris clowns :-) like it says above no massive rush so if you're offloading one soon let me know or even if you want it gone now :-)


Fs- Pseudotropheus Red Top 'ndumbi Reef' Sold

16 May 2011 - 06:48 PM

Hi all, I've got my hands on my old redtop breeding colony, was going to keep them however I've decided to stick to strictly marine, keep it simple haha these are the real deal, they were purchased from Aquotix and definitely aren't orange perspicax or metriaclima red zebras, both similar breeds.

Name: Pseudotropheus Redtop 'ndumbi reef'
Size: 8cm
Number (if more than one): 6 adults 12 fry
Sex (if known, otherwise state "sex unknown"): 2 males and 4 females, have breed 4 times already. 12 fry to prove, also for sale.
Price or ballpark figure: $35 each and $12 for fry. No splits on the adults. Fry alone wholesale between $10 and $20 each, and I paid $39.95 per adult. A bargain here!!

$280 FOR THE LOT !!!!!

A great way to own an already breeding colony with upcoming stock in the ranks :-)

Please pm me any interest,

Walks .