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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Fully Updated Stock List

Naitve Discus Cichlid Loach Danio goldfish Electric oscar Bristlenose pleco

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#1 Pet Magic

Pet Magic
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Posted 02 July 2016 - 10:40 AM

Our stock includes but is not limited to the following:


Natives/ Brackish
2cm Pacific Blue Eyes - $6.95 each, 5 for $30

20 x 2cm Spotted Blue Eyes - $12.95 each

5cm Archer Fish - $65

5 cm Tandanus Catfish  - $22.95 each

Blue Forktail Rainbow - 2 for $80

4cm Mono Sebae - $35


African Cichlids

3-5cm Assorted Cichlids (Peacocks, Mphangas) - $22.95 each, 2 or more $20 each
Electric Yellows, Electric Blues and Crimson Tides - $16.95 each, 3 or more for $15 each
6 x 3cm Tropheus Ikola Kaiser 1 - $35 each or all for $180

10-15cm Marble Peacocks - $22.95 each, 3 or more $20 each

10-15cm Electric Yellows - $24.95

8cm Cobalt Blues - $24.95

Neon Forest Jewels - $10.95
Red Forest Jewel - $9.95
5cm-7cm Taiwaan Reef - $15.95

American Cichlids

2cm- 8cm Kribensis - $7.95

1 x Apisto Macmasteri males - $25, or 2 for $40

4cm Oscar  - $19.95
2cm fire gold Apisto pair (unsexed) - $80
2cm Apisto Cacatuoides - $12each pair for $20

1 x Red Turqiuoise - $140
1 x Red Melons - $120, 2 or more for $110 each
1 x Snow White - $120
2 x Red Marlboro - $140, 2 or more for $130 each 

Various 5cm Blue Diamonds and other Pidgeon Bloods - $49.95 each
Celestial Pearl Danios 1 - 1.5cm $30 each or 3 for $80 or 5 for $120
Cardinal Tetra - $5.95 eah or 5 for $25 
5cm Coral Blue Gourami - $12.95
5cm Lace (Pearl) Gourami - $11.95
5cm Dwarf Gourami - $12.95

3-4cm Yellowtail and normal male Congo Tetras - $5.95 each,  5 for $25

2cm Red Eye Neon Tetras $2.95 each or 6 for $15

Ember Tetras $2.95 each or 6 for $15

Platies at $4.95 each or 4 for $15

Balloon mollies at $9.95 each

4cm Yellow mollies - $4.95 each

Odessa Barbs - $7.95 each

Veil Tail Angels - $14.95

5 x 3cm Marbled Headstander - $14.95

4cm Gold Panchax - $12.95

Clown killifish - $14.95

5cm and 12cm Silver Dollars - $9.95 and $30


Catfish/Loaches/ Sharks

6 x 8cm Chocolate Pleco - $35

4-5cm Bristlenose - $ 14.95 each

3cm Pepper/ Albino/ Bronze Corydoras. Tonnes of stock - $5.95

2cm Otto Catfish - $19.95 each

5cm Red Lizard Whiptail - $49.95

4cm Clown Loach - $12.95

2-4 cm Yoyo Loaches - $5.95

9cm Flying Fox - $11.95 each or 6 for $60

5cm Red tail Sharks - $12.95

Albino/ Normal Rainbow Shark - $9.95

20 x Sterbai Cory - $12.95 each

15x Panda Cory - $12.95 each


10cm Shubinkins and White/ Orange Comets - $9.95 each

10cm Red and White - $18.95 
3cm Koi - $5.95 each
4cm - 5cm Coldwater Swordtails - $4.95 each
10cm - Mirrorscales Comets - $12.95 each




Remember we do special orders aswell for both equipment and fish so let us know if you have anything your searching for.

Call or message us before coming in to ensure we still have what you want and also share this post on facebook or twitter and let everyone know what we have got and dont forget to follow this post as it is the ongoing updated stocklist.
9458 1970 or email cannignton@petmagic.com.au

Happy fish keeping ☺☺ 

#2 bigjohnnofish

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  • Location: Banjo Country aka just past Mundaring

Posted 04 July 2016 - 12:13 AM

Our stock includes but is not limited to the following:


3 x 15-20cm Peacock Bass - $100 each
3 x Salmontail Catfish - $39.95 each (2 or more for $35 each )
1 x Mangrove Jack 8-10cm, (only 1 left!) - $300
15 x 2cm Pacific Blue Eyes - $6.95 each, 5 for $30
4 x 5cm Silver Scats - $40 each
10 x 3cm Threadfin Rainbows - $19.95 each or 5 for $90

2 x 10cm Barred Grunter - $40 each

4 x 5cm Sleepy Cod - $15 each

1 x 3cm Crazy Fish (Butis Butis) - $15




well i guess peacock bass are native... just not to australia :)

#3 Pet Magic

Pet Magic
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Posted 04 July 2016 - 01:14 PM

hahah good pick. Fixed it  :P

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Naitve, Discus, Cichlid, Loach, Danio, goldfish, Electric, oscar, Bristlenose, pleco

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