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Please Help Me With My Sump Design.

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#1 kassysimon

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Posted 16 May 2015 - 09:03 AM

So i picked up this tank from a PCS member to build a sump out of it. It fits perfectly within my cabinets.


But im new to sumps and have never used one so Im here asking you guys if the below design is correct.


The pipes will come into the left beneath water level to keep it as quiet as possible.


And will flow through to the right and out.


Is this going to work?










#2 Mattia


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 11:06 AM

I Think it should work.
Why are you worried?

IMO, something you have to be careful is calculating how much water will go back in the sump before it overflows in case there is a power out... I'm sure you don't want to come back home and find a big puddle coming out from the sump.
So put your intake in the tank, and calculate how much water will keep sucking down even if the power goes out, and then make enough space in the sump so it will be able to hold the extra liters ...

I solved my problem putting a drain behind my sump, and an overflow hole in the back, so if the power goes out, the water simply drains out and the water level in the sump won't go up.

#3 silverscreen

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Posted 16 May 2015 - 01:23 PM

not sure looking at the pictures....so the second half of the first chamber is filled with sponge and the goes all the way under the media into the next chamber...if this is true...then keep this in mind when that sponge gets full of waste the water will struggle to flow thru so by the look of you design the water will over flow from the top by passing the media.


my sump...the chambers have sponge in one and then media in another...the media sits on egg crate so the water doesnt get resticted and when the sponges get clogged i dont have to remove the media to get to the sponge.

dont block the underneath of the baffells with anything...you want the best flow.


always think of maintenance when designing things and think of what can go wrong when things happen...eg power outage,block pipes,clogged sponges,pump failures....as sure as one of these things will happen.


good luck.

#4 kassysimon

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Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:43 PM

I Think it should work.
Why are you worried?

IMO, something you have to be careful is calculating how much water will go back in the sump before it overflows in case there is a power out... I'm sure you don't want to come back home and find a big puddle coming out from the sump.
So put your intake in the tank, and calculate how much water will keep sucking down even if the power goes out, and then make enough space in the sump so it will be able to hold the extra liters ...

I solved my problem putting a drain behind my sump, and an overflow hole in the back, so if the power goes out, the water simply drains out and the water level in the sump won't go up.

Dude, thanks.


When you say "make enough space in the sump to hold the extra litres". How do i do that? By changing the height of the baffles?


Im also putting an overflow too i just didnt include it in the render. But gret tip. Im glad i got that part right.


Thanks again

not sure looking at the pictures....so the second half of the first chamber is filled with sponge and the goes all the way under the media into the next chamber...if this is true...then keep this in mind when that sponge gets full of waste the water will struggle to flow thru so by the look of you design the water will over flow from the top by passing the media.


my sump...the chambers have sponge in one and then media in another...the media sits on egg crate so the water doesnt get resticted and when the sponges get clogged i dont have to remove the media to get to the sponge.

dont block the underneath of the baffells with anything...you want the best flow.


always think of maintenance when designing things and think of what can go wrong when things happen...eg power outage,block pipes,clogged sponges,pump failures....as sure as one of these things will happen.


good luck.

Sorry for the confusion. Beneath the sponge media will be egg crate to keep it off the bottom before going into the bio media from the bottom. Is that what you meant?



#5 Mattia


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 08:56 PM

If with the calculation of how much water will come down the sump won't be able to hold it all, You should make the sump taller (the level in the sump should be the same in all three compartments), if you can...

Sorry it's a bit complicated, if you can come to Aquotix tomorrow I'll draw it for you so it's easier to understand :)

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