New fish just arrived!
Blue Ram 4cm - $14.95
Electric Blue Balloon Ram 4cm - $24.95
Oscars - Red, Tiger, Albino Tiger 5-6cm - $19.95
Electric Blue 4cm - $9.95
Convict 5cm - $4.95
Decorated Catfish 8-10cm - $99.95
S. Petricola 6cm - $19.95
Albino Bristlenose 4-5cm - $6.95
Albino Longfin Bristlenose 5cm: $11.95
Clown Loach 6cm - $14.95
Silver Scat 8cm - $49.95
Male Guppies 5cm - Many varieties available!
Plus lots of general tropicals, cichlids, goldfish and MARINES available!
We're open all weekend until 5pm