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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 16 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2010 07:12 AM

Topics I've Started

Need The Hook Up

28 November 2010 - 09:24 AM

HEY GUYS!!! its been awhile since i came on here, I live on the gold coast now and my brother in law is trying to get into the fish industy... I am just wondering if anyone could reccomend some dealers or especially some forums in the Gold Coast or Brisbane area... any info would be great, he is looking for a 4 ft setup... if all else fails ill resort to the wholesalers age of aquariums etc. thanks for any info :-)

Fs <><><[northam] Fs Marine Setup

27 April 2010 - 01:57 PM

hey all, as mentioned i have a full setup for sale, which is up and running, ready to go.

It includes:
4x2x1.5 tank with 4 removeable lids
solid pine stand
550 ltr ph internal protien skimmer
3 x 5000 ltr ph power heads
4ft t5 light unit
6kg bag of salt which would make a couple 100ltrs salt water
large heater
100kgs live rock
20kg argonite spheres (base)
all the basic testers and what not
and the fish in there are:
juvi koran angel
coral beauty
3 x clown fish (nemo)
bananna wrasse
a few tangs
and a few hermit crabs

I'm very keen to sell this tank as it is still in my old house and my parents dont want it, so pm me any serious offers, thanks