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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 26 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2009 04:17 PM

Topics I've Started

Dead Bristlenoses!!!

18 October 2008 - 01:14 PM

I had 3 common Bristlenoses, 3 Peppermint Bristlenoses, 6 Black Widow Tetras and 6 Tiger Barbs in my tank and they all seem to get on together peacefully. i feed my Tiger Barbs and Black Widows flakes, and i feed my Bristlenoses algae wafers.

Two weeks a go, I found a common Bristlenose at the bottom of my tank laying down on his back. I examined his body and found no vissable problem. Then a week later I found another common dead in my tank, I did all I could to find out what was wrong, then another died, soon after realised i had a rather big Nitrate problem. I dealt with that by doing around 3, 50% water changed and managed to lower the Nitrate significantly. after that no fish died so i decided to buy another 3 commons to replace the ones that died. Earlier this morning a found a Peppermint dead, I have no clue why they are dying and im thinking of moving them in with my Cichlids except they might bring over some disease.

Feeding Peps

31 May 2008 - 07:28 PM

Hi, I just got some peps today and I was wondering what to feed them. I have some commons and feed them ussualy algae wafers but 1nce a week or so i feed them some bloodworms and very occasionly some pumpkin or zucchini. anything else they love?

Regards Declan

Wtb: African Cichlids

20 April 2008 - 08:35 PM

WTB: Interested in buying some African Cichlids of all types but I'm interested in Manganos and Electric yellows, not too pricey also not too aggressive towards other fish. Interested in some cheapish Coreys as well. All to suit a 3x14x18