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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 01 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2013 03:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Is It A Hybrid?

20 February 2012 - 01:51 PM

i'd say they are a hybrid, there is to much yellow on the top and the head and body shape isn't rite for the powder blue acei. powder blue acei's do sometimes get the baring , but not as prodominate as the ones in the pics. hth

In Topic: Wtb Assorted Cichlids

19 October 2011 - 07:01 AM

most of my fish in this post are still available if your friend is interested in any.


cheers scott

In Topic: What Is This Fish?

17 October 2011 - 05:20 PM

i'd say a trewavasae, as it looks to long a snout for a fuellibourni.

In Topic: Africans For Sale

12 October 2011 - 02:30 PM

hi Az, i'll get numbers tomorrow of the freibergi as im on niteshift tonite and get back to you.

cheers scott

In Topic: Id Required

05 October 2011 - 11:29 AM

mate, as with a lot of americans, they are usually pretty ugly when young, but turn out to be quite nice fish as they mature, so , if you had enough room , after cycling the tank there in , keep them to see how they turn out, you may be just suprised of what you may have.