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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 28 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2012 02:03 PM

Topics I've Started

Yet Another Newbie!

03 November 2012 - 05:03 PM


I'm a brand new to the forum and just got our first fish tank second hand 400L.
We have absolutely no idea what we are doing, and of course listened to the (bad) advice from a pet store that said we could put fish in straight away, so we did.

After reading up a bit realised we did the wrong thing and are a stuck doing a fish in cycle. (I am sure you have all heard this story many times before)

Not going so bad, it's been running for a week now and we are trying to keep on top of the ammonia and nitrite levels by doing regular water changes. We're not sure how long it was left empty before we got it, so we are assuming all the good bacteria has long gone so we have to fully cycle the tank again. At the moment there is ammonia and Nitrite present in the water when we test it.

I was just wondering if, when we do the water changes, can we add water straight from the hose rather than via buckets? It would be much much easier if we could just pop the hose and the stress coat in rather than pretreating it in buckets. Is using the hose ok, or should we stick to buckets?
