Classifieds Guidelines
Posted 09 April 2009 - 09:16 PM
A reminder that bumping, commenting & discussions in the Classifieds should be avoided where possible.
Bumping - As a general rule threads should not be "bumped" to the top of the queue within 4 days. Bumping includes daily update replies e.g. XXXX fish sold YYYY fish still available, regular price drops etc. In this instance edit your original post. Once the item has been SOLD or FOUND update the thread title to reflect this instead of replying. Creating identical threads within the 4 days is also considered bumping.
"PM Sent" replies are likely to get removed / merged. If you are having problems contacting the person please make this clear in your reply.
Multiple threads - Where possible please try to combine all your threads into one rather than having multiple. E.g. all live fish should be combined, hardware/dry goods could go in another. Having excessive recent threads is seen as "hogging".
Commenting - Avoid commenting in other member's threads e.g. "I can get this cheaper here" or "if only I could afford it". Off-topic or general comment posts may be deleted / merged.
Discussions - These can be avoided in most cases by using the PM system (Private Message). To access the PM system click the drop-down arrow after resting your mouse cursor on the member's name then choose Send Message.
Date - How old is the thread? If it's over a month chances are the item is no longer available. Best off sending a PM rather than replying causing it to be "bumped". -- Update -- threads older than 60 days are now auto-locked. If you have still not sold the item and wish to keep the thread active PM a committee member, site admin or moderator asking them to unlock it.
PCS Club Members (financial) are able to lock/close and re-open their own threads which will help prevent the issues outlined above.
The following information should be included when posting in the classifieds:
Sex: (if known, otherwise state "sex unknown")
Price or a ballpark figure: (mandatory)
Shipping available?
Photos: below / none / on PM request <-- (this must be stated)
Equipment etc
Brand (if applicable):
Price or ballpark figure: (mandatory)
Shipping available?
Description, incl condition of the item:
Photos: below / none / on PM request <-- (this must be stated)
Dimensions (length/width/height):
Glass Thickness:
Condition: (Poor = not holding water / Fair = old, scratches and marks / Good = some minor blemishes / Excellent = as new)
Stand (wood or metal, bare stand or cabinet):
Price or ballpark figure: (mandatory)
Shipping available?
Photos: below / none / on PM request <-- (this must be stated)
Any ads that do not have this basic information may be deleted without warning.
Keeping in mind that the Classifieds are a "high traffic" area also means that they are heavily moderated. As a result posts that do not comply with the Terms & Conditions may be deleted / merged without notification. Please do not take this personally, it is done purely to keep this section streamlined.
** Sponsor sub-forum classifieds are maintained by each sponsor and are therefore excluded from the guidelines above.
Unauthorised commercial trading (not permitted)
A minority of people are disappointed to find out that practises such as regular on-selling/reselling of new dry goods and the regular sale of imported livestock is not allowed and is considered commercial. The PCS forums (in particular the classifieds) were never intended to be used as a portal for profiteers concerned primarily with their own wallet. It is a forum for hobbyists to trade information and goods. We understand that there are plenty of ways to get things cheaper and in many cases people think they're doing others a favour by bringing in these goods. Instead we encourage that you support your local stores and/or arrange co-ordinated "group buys" where possible.
Unauthorised commercial dealings are not permitted in an attempt to prevent a conflict of interest between the PCS and its sponsors and is done purely to protect the society. Without the combination of our sponsors and PCS Club Members it's very likely the club would cease to function.
Please take note that the PCS is not run or governed by the sponsors. Instead the committee will draw guidance from the sponsors and PCS Club Members when necessary.
The forums are an extension of the club and the majority of running costs are not related to the internet / website.
See this thread for more info about how the club operates and why - http://www.perthcich...showtopic=24767
To discuss the guildelines or provide feedback see - http://www.perthcich...showtopic=41557
PCS Committee
Posted 13 August 2009 - 02:56 PM
There's been a heap of activity in this section (more than normal) and people's threads are getting bumped off the first page quite quickly.
This is mainly due to a lot of daily updates, price additions/changes. Mods will merge where they see fit to ensuring a fairer playing field.
Posted 25 September 2009 - 10:18 PM
Just bumping this thread up as a reminder of the terms and conditions of the classified section.
Also pls note once your items are sold pls edit your title bar to reflect this.
e.g. F/s electric yellows SOLD
Thanks Brad
Posted 08 November 2010 - 09:39 PM
Lately we have been receiving a number of complaints about classified posts that do not contain enough detail.
If you have photos, please include them in your ad when you first write it. Otherwise say you don't have photos, or say you can email/txt pics. Don't put up a post and then say "photos later". If you don't have any, wait until you do and then post the ad. Again, it results in an unfair bump otherwise.
The amounts of edits, deletions, cleanups and PM the moderators have to do lately is getting way too much. So far we haven't enforced the guidelines, we have just asked people to put more info in. Judging by the amounts of moderation we have to do and the number of complaints we are getting, this is apparently being ignored. Some people say we are too strict - well, show us we don't have to be! Show us that asking you nicely to do something basic is enough.
Please put a little effort into your ads, it goes a long way to make the classifieds a clean and efficient way to buy and sell for everyone.
To those who do the right thing: Thank you!

Posted 01 January 2011 - 06:58 PM
You can copy/paste/delete as necessary.
Name:Julidochromis regani
Number (if more than one):2
Sex (if known, otherwise state "sex unknown"):breeding pair
Price or a ballpark figure:
Photos below (if you don't have photos, this must be stated)
Equipment etc
Brand (if applicable):
Price or ballpark figure:
Description, incl condition of the item:
Photos below (if you don't have photos, this must be stated)
Dimensions (width/depth/height):
Glass Thickness:
Condition (poor = not holding water, fair = old, scratches and marks, good = some minor blemishes, excellent = as new, some marks that can be removed):
Stand (wood or metal, bare stand or cabinet):
Price or ballpark figure:
Photos below (if you don't have photos, this must be stated)
To discuss the guildelines or provide feedback see - http://www.perthcich...showtopic=41557
Posted 17 October 2012 - 07:39 AM
Can everyone please read these guidelines if they haven't already.
Thank you
Posted 12 May 2013 - 08:27 PM
Due the recent forum upgrade some peoples locations have been removed.
Please ensure your location is visible when posting something for sale on the classifieds.
This is for your benefit and to stop useless posts.
Posted 29 May 2013 - 08:27 PM
Just a reminder to please add your location guys
Posted 03 June 2013 - 03:10 PM
You may have noticed that classifieds moderation has been relaxed since the upgrade.
This has been because there was not an immediately obvious way to PM people.
This has now been remedied, if you look on peoples info bar's you will now see a button.
If you have a query or comment with a classifieds post, please use this button to PM the seller.
If you need a reminder of the classifieds rules, please read the original post in this thread.
I would like to thank Tim (Cawdor) for helping with this.
We have tried to made it big enough and bright enough to be immediately obvious.
There has been quite a bit of classifieds discussion lately.
Please try to save moderators time and PM sellers directly.
Thank you for you co-operation
Posted 09 June 2013 - 02:09 PM
A lot of user locations were wiped at the last forum upgrade. Would everyone who hasn't please re-add them to your user profiles.
Having ads in the classifieds with no location is annoying and will result in them being removed. Location is mandatory when using the classifieds.
Thanks .
Posted 21 September 2013 - 02:53 PM
It seems lately people don't put prefixes on the headings of their threads. That makes it impossible to know whether you're selling or wanting something.
For Sale = FS
Want to Buy = WTB
Swap = Swap
Please put these in front of your subject line.
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