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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 02 Sep 2011
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#336057 Your Power Bill

Posted by Kleinz on 04 March 2015 - 11:26 PM

The program to change light globes in streetlights before they fail - gone. Expect to see more streetlights fail in the next 12 months as globes approach end of life.


 Why in god's name would you change them before they failed anyway? Does anyone else change a lightglobe before it dies?


The main thrust is correct. The cost of power generation has been falling for some time and there is certainly some gold plating going on in the network.


To streetlights again. I cannot think of anything more wasteful than having all those guzzling metal halide lamps running all night every night, though that is a side issue.

#336012 Your Power Bill

Posted by Kleinz on 04 March 2015 - 12:05 AM

Came across this, and given the price of electricity and its effect on the hobby, I thought it worth putting here.


#335993 Dirty Electric Yellow? Healthy?

Posted by Kleinz on 03 March 2015 - 06:02 PM

Too much stress or too much colour food IMO.


Or might be a hybrid.

#335848 Ad Konings & Juan Miguel Tickets

Posted by Kleinz on 01 March 2015 - 12:04 AM


Even better when ppl who try to big note get shot down!



Yeah that fell flat didn't it? ;)


Was an excellent night and to paraphrase the bard, members who did not attend will hold their manhoods cheap in the presence of those happy few who were there. :)

#335650 Ad Konings And Juan Miguel Artigas Azas At Aquotix Friday

Posted by Kleinz on 25 February 2015 - 05:24 PM

While in Perth, Ad Konings and Juan Miguel Artigas Azas will be taking the opportunity to visit some aquarium stores.


They will be making an appearance at Aquotix this Friday the 27th of February at 4:30 pm to meet cichlid keepers and sign books.


***Due a late flight in Mexico, Juan Miguel Artigas Azas is arriving in Perth tomorrow morning and will miss being at Aquotix to meet and greet this afternoon. 


So if you can't make it Saturday, or can't wait that long to meet them, get down to Aquotix this Friday!





Ad and Juan will NOT be signing cichlids, and we will never talk about what happened in that night in Sydney.

#335563 Do You Breed Any Of These?

Posted by Kleinz on 24 February 2015 - 01:11 PM

Fish always look weird in the hand. I still think the hippo and the electra look decidedly odd.

#335471 Xanthic Tandanus

Posted by Kleinz on 23 February 2015 - 12:55 PM

Hmm? I am still none the wiser.

#335101 Day Programme For Ad Konings And Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz' Talks

Posted by Kleinz on 15 February 2015 - 10:33 AM

Having spoken to Ad Koning's agent, I can assure you ( without putting prices up here) that the books will be very well priced and you will be pleased.

#335098 Looking At The Worx Wxf2200Uv Canister Filter: Unboxing Review

Posted by Kleinz on 15 February 2015 - 10:20 AM

Given that I have a Worx WXF2200UV canister filter (from our kind friends at the Age of Aquariums) lying about, I thought I might have a look in the box and let you all know what I found.  There seem to be no reviews for it about, so I thought it was worth letting people know the specs and what it contains, if not actually stick it on a tank.
Apologies in advance if any of the photos are badly exposed, but this is not art or pr0n so there is no need for great detail and I couldn't be arsed doing it again ;)




Behold the Worx WXF2200UV,( read this in your head in the voice of Nicol Williams' Merlin in Excalibur) resplendent in a blue box!





It is a pretty large filter, as we can see below. It has a biggish footprint and large head clips. If this was date night, this Eheim 2215 would wee itself in fear.




Once the head is off, looking at the size of the ultraviolet tube would do nothing to calm the little Eheim either....





But I digress...


The Worx 2200 has a removable tap unit operated by the red lever. The lever looks a bit flimsy, but it does the job well.




For you illiterates out there, this is a primer button. But if you are illiterate you can't read this either, so I am not sure why I am telling you.


It has a handle which I would never use unless the canister was 100% empty.




Accessories: After the shine wears off and you get bored with just the vanilla canister, you can resort to these to try spice things up.
There's a modular inlet/outlet set, a spraybar and strainer, six suction cups, a UV globe and two 1.5m lengths of 16/22mm smoky hose, making 3m in all.




This is the filter basket stack. There are four of them, in case you are just innumerate. If you are illiterate and innumerate, you should probably join the PCS committee.




Bottom basket: Ceramic noodles in a mesh bag.




second basket: A bag of activated carbon bits.




Third basket: A slice of black sponge



Top basket: Another slice of black sponge




Ohh I see what you did there. You just used the same photo again, didn't you , you lazy bugger?


Well, yes, guilty. Then again, noone is paying me to do this.


There you go. Are you happier now? Are you?




Thought not.



A curious feature!


This switch has a red LED above it and a clear swinging door. Leaving aside the obvious, I have theories on this:


1) The cover protects the "ON" switch. The filter is so silent that only looking at the red LED will tell you if it is in fact on or not. This would be very good.


2) The cover protects the "ON" switch. The filter is so weak that only looking at the red LED will tell you if it is in fact on or not. This would be very bad.


3)The switch operates the hellfire missile on a drone circling above Baluchistan. ( see Homeland) This would explain the cover. I probably wiped out a primary school flicking it off and on while writing this. This would be very bad. Unless you are Johnno.







Lastly, here is the plate with all the specs.






All in all, the canister is a bit like me: Cheap and cheerful with a large capacity and capability. An economical hard worker with some advanced features but mostly empty inside. It seems most canisters don't come with a full set of media these days, so whatever you buy, be prepared to find some more media. It represents excellent value for money, and if you do a minimum of work to fill the void within ( a bag of expanded clay for $20 and cutting some more sponge or wool to fit would about cover it), you will have a pretty good filter.


No really, I think this thing is a beast and will be a great filter for some seriously large tanks. The UV is a nice touch which saves money and space.



AoA has donated a couple of these to the PCS, and one will be going out as the filter on the main raffle prize (a 4x2x2 aquarium, stand, filter and LED light) for the Ad Konings and Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz talks, which you might not yet have heard of...


...if you were living under a rock.

#335089 Xanthic Tandanus

Posted by Kleinz on 15 February 2015 - 08:06 AM

What are you on about, then?

#335037 Day Programme For Ad Konings And Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz' Talks

Posted by Kleinz on 14 February 2015 - 12:47 AM

Here is the program of events for the Ad Konings and Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz' talk on February 28th at the Loftus Centre.


Day Programme For Ad Konings And Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz' Talks



12:45 all in and seated.   Introduction speeches



1PM- 2:30 pm


Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz  presents "Cichlids of Mexico"



2:30 15 min break, raffle draws



2:45- 4:15pm


Ad Konings:  "Cichlids of Lake Malawi"



4:15 15 min break, raffle draws



4:30 -6:00pm


Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz talks about  "Killifish, Livebearers and Other Wildlife of Mexico"





Dinner Break: Eating, buying raffle tickets and books. Signings, schmoozing, raffle draws.


(Dinner will be spit roast with veges and dessert. Details in the other thread)





Ad Konings "The Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika"



9:00pm on. Main prize raffle draw, closing speeches, chatting.


10:00pm: Go home! :)




More details will be forthcoming  over the next week or so.

#334793 Singapore Man To Face Sa Court Accused Of Smuggling $300,000 Of Endanger...

Posted by Kleinz on 09 February 2015 - 08:40 PM

He isn't the guy you get your RTC from, is he?

#334732 Sunken Belly

Posted by Kleinz on 08 February 2015 - 08:09 PM

That is the question bijohnnofish which I would love the Fish Vet to give his opinion on


Well, he is giving another talk to the PCS later on this year. I will ask him if he might deign to give us his wisdom on the subject.

#334731 What Spawned In Your Tank Today???

Posted by Kleinz on 08 February 2015 - 08:04 PM

My orange heads have made sweet, sweet spawn again. I hope they go through with it this time.


#334613 Humbug's Fish Room

Posted by Kleinz on 05 February 2015 - 10:52 PM

Sand whiting... :)